Smoother Rips
For those looking for smoother rips, using a water bong is the recommended method. The water in the bong cools the smoke which allows for a cooler and less irritating rip. Using a bong is different from smoking a joint or a pipe as it does not require the smoker to smoke straight from the ember. Bongs offer smoother ripes because lighting a bowl allows you to control how the cannabis is lit. Joints have an ember that is unregulated which means they often smoke differently throughout the smoke session.
Potent Delivery
Many smokers looking for a potent delivery method use bongs. Due to the smoother rips and the ability to inhale more smoke at once, smokers enjoy a potent cannabis delivery from using a bong. It allows the smoker to ensure that the cannabis is smoked evenly and most smokers can almost guarantee that they’re smoking all of the cannabis flower they pack into their bong bowls. Bongs allow you to have a much greater smoke inhalation with each hit and thus can get you higher from a single rip.
Better Filtration
Water bongs are an ideal method of smoking for those who care about the filtration of their rips. Water filtration in bongs allows for tar reduction. Tar is a gunky dark-colored substance produced as a result of burning cannabis. Many of us are familiar with it as a sticky substance that builds up on the walls of our bongs, bowls, and pipes. However, it is for the best as this tar is removed from the smoke which allows for a cleaner rip and reduces your potential exposure to harmful compounds.
In addition to removing tar, the water in a bong acts as a natural filter and removes solid particles present in the smoke, such as ash and other plant matter. Many smokers opt to use a bong because they’re looking to achieve a smoother, cleaner rip with added filtration. Whether using a bong alone or with others, changing the water frequently is recommended as it allows for the proper removal of particles in the water.
Enhanced Flavor
For those seeking enhanced flavor, a bong is a great option. Bongs filter tar and particles out of your smoke and offer a smoother rip that also enhances the flavor of cannabis flower. By removing the tar, which often has an unfavorable taste, the smoke is cleared and the terpene flavor profiles are allowed to sing. The removal of particles reduces the possibility of getting “Scooby snacks,” or particles of ash and unburnt cannabis, in your mouth while taking a rip.
Bongs allow for complete customization of the smoking experience. As there are bongs of all shapes and sizes, there will almost always be a bong that is “perfect” for you. In addition to the great variety of color choices, there are many size options to choose from. Whether you are looking for a tiny portable piece or a giant head-rush machine, there are a on options to choose from. In addition to the great diversity of bong options, there are numerous accessories to add to your bong. From ash catchers that allow for even greater filtration, to beads and stickers, accessories will help you to individualize your bong.