Weed Pipes and Bongs
Weed pipes and bongs are devices used for consuming cannabis. Both pipes and bongs come in various shapes, sizes, and materials, including glass, metal, wood, bamboo, and silicone. While weed pipes allow for a more compact smoking experience, bongs are larger smoking devices that use water to cool and filter the smoke.
Weed Pipes
Pipes are one of the most popular methods for consuming dry herbs. They are simple to use, portable, durable, and relatively discreet. Each has a different functionality, offered in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and designs. The wide range of pipes available means a pipe design fits nearly every consumer’s needs.
The most common pipe designs include water pipes, spoon pipes, one-hitters, steamrollers, and chillums. Aside from water pipes, spoon pipes are one of the most common types of pipes. Their design is relatively simple and features a bowl, carb hole, and a mouthpiece. One-hitters, which often function similarly to joints, are small, discreet pipes designed for single-use hits and often resemble a cigarette. One-hitters allow you to pack one small bowl and enjoy it within a few hits. Some one-hitters are disposable, but plenty are available made from glass and other reusable materials. Steamroller pipes feature a straight tube design with a large front-facing carb hole for more powerful hits. As opposed to a spoon pipe, a steamroller pipe will offer a larger hit in the same nature that a water pipe will.
Water Pipes/Bongs
Water pipes or bongs, such as The Terratokes Katana Bong, use water filtration to cool and filter dry herb smoke, thus providing a smoother and less harsh smoking experience. There are many different water bong types, but almost all feature a base of some kind, typically a beaker base or straight tube base, a chamber for the smoke to pass through, a mouthpiece, and of course a bowl and downstem. Bamboo bongs, glass bongs, silicone bongs, and gravity bongs are just a few popular bong types. If you’re looking for a smooth option, you may opt for a bamboo or glass bong. If you’re looking for something portable, you’ll likely also want to consider a bamboo bong or a silicone bong.
Most users look to a water pipe for a less harsh hit as the water helps to filter out impurities and allows for a more profound dry herb taste. Not only do water pipes allow for cooler hits on the throat, but they also allow for larger hits and easier use, especially for everyday users. When using a water pipe, once you light the weed in your bowl and you have the mouthpiece up to your lips, begin to pull slowly so that smoke is drawn down through the downstem and into the water chamber. The water will cool the smoke and remove some particulate matter. While each consumer may prefer a different water temperature for their bong water, ensure that your bong water is clean no matter what. Some people prefer cold water for a cooler hit, while some consumers enjoy the warmer smoke that comes from lukewarm or room-temperature water. After the smoke passes through the water, it continues up the neck of the bong and into your lungs.