Bong Water
Bong water is comparable to brushing your teeth, you can’t really overdo it. While changing yourbong water at least every smoke sesh or every 24 hours is recommended, some people who may consider themselves more obsessive will change it after every hit. While smoking with old bong water will technically work, it significantly hinders the taste of your cannabis. Stale water collects oils, mildew, and ash and can have a sour and pungent taste if reused. If bong water is left long enough, it can act as a sort of Petri dish and collect mold and mildew.
Where to Dump Bong Water
While most of us dump our bong water wherever we can, it’s important to acknowledge the consequences that incorrect bong water disposal can lead to. Bong water isn’t the plain water it was when you put it in your bong, it has ash and resin in it after you use it. The best way to dispose of bong water is to pour it down a sink or toilet. It’s best not to pour bong water into bodies of water, so if you have to pour it out outside it’s best to pour it away from plants and wildlife. Keep in mind that bong water can also buildup on pipes and sink/toilet surfaces over time, especially if it contains a lot of resin or ash. Resin is sticky and can thus stick to the inside of pipes and clog them over time. So typically, flushing bong water is better than pouring it down your sink drain.
Changing Bong Water is Essential to Lung Health
Changing bong water regularly is essential for lung health. Keeping your lung tissue safe from dirty smoke helps you avoid infections or diseases in your lungs that can result from the buildup of mold in overly stale bong water. Ashy resin, fungus, and bacteria are just a few potentially harmful bacteria found in dirty bong water that can irritate your lungs. Regularly changing your bong water allows for cleaner hits that don’t make your cannabis taste sour but instead aid you in enjoying its full taste.
Changing Bong Water Keeps Your Bong Cleaner
If you want your bong to stay impressively clear, change your water after every smoke sesh. Resin that builds up on the inside of the bong, downstem, and bowl piece can affect the taste of your smoke if it builds up and leaves your bong looking dirty, sticky, and less than impressive. One major step you can take is changing your bong water as much as you can to ensure that bong water with resin and old ash doesn’t sit in your piece. Tools such as Q-tips and long metal pokers can help you scrape out resin on the inside of your bowls and downstem after a smoke sesh, and isopropyl alcohol takes things a step further by dissolving the resin and sanitizing your piece.