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Glass Percolator Bong

Glass Percolator Bong

Glass Percolator Bong

Glass percolator bongs are a popular choice due to their ability to create a smooth smoking experience. Thanks to the innovative designs of percolators, glass bongs with percolators offer extra filtration and cooling for dry herb smoke as opposed to other bong types. Percolators filter the smoke beyond what the initial main chamber does, allowing for various added benefits.  

Glass Percolator Design

Glass percolator bongs are a popular option due to their strategic design, which is composed of a bowl, downstem, main chamber, and percolator. There are various types of percolators, and while each one offers different benefits, each helps to filter and cool dry herb smoke. Percolators function by forcing the smoke through multiple small holes or slits, creating bubbles. This process helps to increase the surface area of the smoke that comes into contact with the water thus activating the cooling benefits of percolators and allowing any remaining impurities to be filtered.  

Glass Percolator Functionality

While Glass Bongs have numerous advantages and functionalities, their main benefits include smoother hits, cleaner smoke due to additional filtration that removes contaminants, and enhanced visual and flavor appeal. By cooling the smoke, percolators can help preserve the flavor of the herb, thus making the smoking experience more enjoyable. Glass bongs are also visually appealing, as they often include intricate designs. Cannabis consumers enjoy the added aesthetic of watching the smoke get filtered through the percolators as well as the ability to choose a percolator that best fits their needs. 

Since there are so many percolators on the market, it can be hard to know which one you’ll enjoy the most. Each type offers a unique combination of filtration, diffusion, and drag (resistance when inhaling). Here are some of the most popular types:

  1. Tree Percolator 

Characterized by its multiple arms (or branches), the tree percolator is a classic choice. Each arm typically has slits or holes for diffusion, providing excellent filtration. The diffusion process creates a drag that will add thousands of bubbles to the surface area of the water within the chamber of the bong.

  1. Honeycomb Percolator 

Named for its resemblance to a honeycomb, this percolator features dozens of small holes for an intense diffusion process. It's known for its minimal dragging and its easy cleaning process. Honeycomb percolators provide a good drag when used on smaller bongs between 10-14 inches. 

  1. Showerhead Percolator

The showerhead percolator has a tube that connects a larger, flat chamber, resembling a showerhead. It offers a good balance of diffusion and drag, making it a popular choice for those looking for a modest option.

  1. Inline Percolator 

An inline percolator is a horizontal tube with slits or holes usually located at the bottom of the bong. It’s great for a smooth draw and can be combined with other types of percolators for enhanced filtration. 

  1. Turbine Percolator

The turbine percolator combines aesthetics with functionality, creating a whirlpool effect when you inhale. This not only looks impressive but also cools the smoke efficiently. 

While glass bongs may be functional to cool and filter smoke, they are easily damaged and can lead to cleaning up broken glass. For consumers looking for a smooth hit while still wanting to maintain aesthetics and functionality, bamboo bongs, such as the Terratokes Katana bong, make a great first bong or addition to any collection.

Cleaning a Glass Percolator

Cleaning a glass bong can be tricky if resin builds up and a regular cleaning schedule is not maintained. To achieve optimal performance and hygiene, it’s best to clean your glass percolator bong as often as possible to avoid resin buildup that can affect the taste of your smoke. While you can use any market bong cleaner, you could also use lemon juice or isopropyl alcohol and salt to clean just as well. It may be wise to choose a glass percolator bong that fits your lifestyle, such as one that is durable and may be designed to be easier to clean.

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